How design influences customer’s buying decisions?

How Design Influences Customer s buying decisions - reinaphics - branding and design solutions - chennai
“Design adds value faster than it adds cost.” - Joel Spolsky

Design is the most powerful tool a brand can have in today’s competitive market place. It has become an essential part of every marketing strategy, influencing almost every aspect of product development and business operations.

Even though we do not realize it, design influences our buying decisions every day. In this blog post we will look at some of the ways in which design influences customers’ buying decisions.

Design Drives Impulse Buying

The act of buying something on the spur of the moment without any prior planning is known as impulse buying. It happens after customers feel the need to buy and is frequently unplanned and unhesitating.

40% to 80% of purchases are made on the impulse buying, accordingly to a market research report.

Impulse buying is driven by various causes such as a person’s internal characteristic & traits, emotional state at that time of purchase, branding of the product, price, strategic placement of the product in the store etc.

Customers are ready to pay or overpay at sometimes when it comes to a brand that they trust & have confidence with. So, designing a product with a purpose can help you drive impulse buying.

This is because design helps create an emotional connection with customers and builds trust between them and your brand/product/service. Brand Designers can help you create a more personal connection with your audience by making products that are user-friendly, easy to use, and fun!

Unique Design Proves to be The Differentiator in Crowded Market

A unique design can help you stand out in a crowded market. It is the differentiator that makes your brand memorable and builds trust with your customers. The right designs will also make your brand more memorable and attractive to new customers, while also increasing sales.

Creating a brand identity and visual system that is simple, memorable and effective, can help you distinguish yourself from your competitors by expressing the distinctive features of what you are trying to say about your brand.

Your brand can become more memorable in the minds of the consumers when the right amount of design is applied. People may recall your logo or another component of your branding even if they cannot recall the brand name.

Brand design that is authentic and unique to your business, while staying aligned with your mission helps you to clearly communicate your brand message, reinforce your key differentiators and help build trust with customers.

Design Builds Consumer Confidence on Brand

A good design approach can help build consumer confidence on your brand. Consumers are more likely to buy a product if it appeals to them.

Design is a key factor in the buying decision, as consumers tend to prefer products that have better visual appeal than those with poor design.

It is called ‘The halo effect’, which is the tendency for positive impressions of a person, company, brand or product in one area to positively influence one’s opinion or feelings in other areas.

As the saying goes, “What is beautiful is good,” it explains the belief that what is designed well means that the quality of the product inside is good indeed.

Consumers are more likely to buy a product that has a good design approach, which provides them with confidence in the company and their products/services.

Good design helps consumers feel confident in their purchase decision.

Buyers Prefer Brands with Good Design Approach

Design approach is crucial for the success of a brand. In fact, it’s different from brand design.

Brand design is how a brand presents itself to the world; in other words, its image or persona. Design approach encompasses all of these elements but also incorporates how customers interact with that persona, which makes it dynamic and ever-evolving.

A good example is Apple iPhone X with face ID technology that makes it easy to unlock your phone by looking at it instead of using fingerprint or passcode every time you want to use your phone. This technology allows users not only to access their phones easily but also increase security by locking out other people from accessing our phones without our permission.


To sum up, it is clear that design has a significant influence on the buying decisions of consumers. It is important for brands to understand this and make sure that their products are well-designed before launching them in the market. Otherwise, they might end up losing out on opportunities due to lack of consumer confidence in their brand or products!

In today’s competitive market place, buyers prefer brands with good design approach. Design is becoming more important for the success of a product. It is a differentiator in crowded market and it helps to build consumer confidence on brand. Product design also drives impulse buying as it creates an emotional connection between the customers and products.

If you’re ready to differentiate yourself from competitors by developing a strong brand identity and visual system, get in touch with us today!

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