Budget Branding for Small Businesses!

Being in marketing or business, one must commonly have heard the term “branding” or “brand” being spoken, around a lot. Each company has its own, way of defining a brand, as well. However, one thing that rings true for most phenomena in the world is that it comes at a price.

People go to great lengths to establish their business brand reach or ever re-brand their existing business for better management. But is it possible to do budget branding in case of small and medium businesses.

Have you have ever looked at top brands at their brand strategy and management, and felt inspired to establish your business brand accordingly; but backed out thinking about the massive costs, that you might have to accrue in this process? We have some good news for you!

Branding within a budget is possible nowadays, and what’s more, it is becoming increasingly popular as well! Look no further, as we take you on a small journey on helping, how to have your branding done on a budget.

Whether you are a Start-Up or Business, looking for branding design or revamping an existing design. Here, are a few tips from us, which you should consider while deciding your branding process.

Buyer Persona:

It hardly comes as any surprise when you look at data – 82% of companies focus on creating a semi-fictional “character,” a persona, embodying qualities of those whom they are trying to target. The needs, aspirations, and targets of your audience help to create this persona; which can be molded in to include these qualities. You need to sell your product the way customers desire it. Once you have that figured out, the rest might prove to be a cakewalk.

If you think that this will include high budgets and consultations with branding experts, you are wrong! There are online tools like MakeMyPersona available that lets you do the same at no cost!

Find your Voice:

As opposed to the exercise above, this one looks at you as opposed to others – you ask yourself questions like, what does your brand want to do? What brand strategy can be put to use here? How do you want to represent this brand? What values would the logo design carry?

After you have figured that out, what you would have done is find its voice, i.e., the way your brand is going to present itself to external audiences and the way it is primarily going to interact with people. This method is of importance as this will be the way that customers will first see your brand.

Social Media Presence:

Now that we have figured out the introspection, let us look at the tools that can help us to reach or tap into a potential customer base.

What comes to your mind, first? Social Media, of course! Every brand, big or small, can be found investing a significant energy in building their social media profiles be it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and so on.

Why is it important? Social media is a powerful tool that allows you to get in touch directly with a network of millions, that traditional marketing may not possibly. Pew Research Centre offers mediums that can help you understand where your potential customers are actively participating for their social reach.

Understanding your customer behavior is crucial, which can then help you to come up with a solid social media strategy. If you are a customer, visiting a brand Facebook page that has not been regular in updating their page for months, the chances are that you will lose interest and the brand will lose its credibility.

There are several social media calendaring tools available that can be used to avoid a disaster as quoted above.


Why is blogging important? This phrase might cross the mind of several. After all, your goal is to achieve ‘serious things’ pull off a great marketing trick and what not. It is probably not to waste your time writing!

Here’s the thing: Blogging is a serious business. Marketing expert, Hubspot endorses this fully in their article, “In fact, blogging might be the most fundamental step of inbound marketing of the future.”

It helps one reach their targeted customer based (think of the personas). It can do this through creating informative content that might match the kind of information the customer is looking for on the internet.

A blog is also important that it has to appear and remain relevant to the audience when writing. One need to make sure that the content is fully optimized for those searches. Of course, there are millions of sites for keyword research like Google Adwords that help you achieve this without breaking into a sweat.

Here’s a small article from Peter Boritz, which we found inspiring on how small business can market and advertise in the right budget.

At Reinaphics Creatives, we choose to partner with start-ups to come up with great experiences in logo design, web design, corporate brand management at pocket friendly budget. Reach out to us today at we@reinaphics.com and give us a brief for your business, as we believe that good things do not always come for a price.

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